Hookah Tricks: How to Make Awesome Smoke Rings

Aug 28 , 2024

Hookah Tricks: How to Make Awesome Smoke Rings

Welcome shisha lovers to the captivating world of hookah tricks. Back then, smoking shisha used to be an emblem of alliance, status, and culture. However, with time, this tradition of smoking hookah has undergone a mind-blowing evolution. As of today's date, the practice of smoking shisha has become a global phenomenon that is enjoyed by people all across the world. 

Presently, hookah smoking is much more than savoring the intricate flavor profiles of the shisha tobacco. It has thrived to become a social experience. Right from preparing a delightful hookah to sharing the turns with friends, hookah is encouraging bonding and communal togetherness. The art of smoking hookah has now expanded to include mastering and exhibiting various impressive smoke tricks and techniques elevating the entire experience to a new level.

There is a whole world of impressive hookah tricks offering ultimate creativity and endless enjoyment. Today, in this Khalil Maamoon blog, we are going to guide you to master an easy yet enticing hookah trick and celebrate the timeless yet contemporary ritual. So light up your hookah charcoal, pack your bowl with your favorite shisha tobacco, and get started.

Today’s Hookah Trick: Smoke Rings

Blowing smoke rings has always appeared to be very complex. Believe it or not, it is way easier to master. All it seeks is the right trick and some practice. Today, we will tell you how you can make hookah smoke rings using an advanced coughing technique. Don’t worry; with a little practice, you will get there in no time.

Before we start, there are a few things to share so you can quickly grasp the technique. 

  1. Not all smoke makes the best rings. Firstly, you need to understand that to make the best rings, you need thick and nice smoke. Wispy smoke will never get you the spectacular rings. So, let the hot charcoal cook the shisha properly and take time to take some good pull before trying to blow the rings.
  2. Shape your mouth. It is important to position your mouth the right way. Slightly pout your mouth as if making an oval shape or ‘O’ with your lips. Now place your tongue parallel to your lower lip at the bottom of your mouth.
  3. Time to cough. Now that we have taken note of some basic but important things, let us now check out the coughing technique. To apply this method, you need to pull first and collect the smoke at the back of your throat. In this process, you need to release a small amount of the inhaled smoke from the throat, like when you try to cough discreetly in public, trying not to draw everyone’s attention. Let us recognize it as the ‘classy cough’. Basically, you will be opening the back of the throat for a short time at the same time, applying light pressure to blow out a small puff of smoke, and closing it again instantly. In other words, it is like a delicately controlled way to exhale some hookah smoke.

Okay, that is how you should do it. Now, you go ahead and do it.

  1. Prepare your hookah and start smoking it the usual way for some time. 
  2. Now, take a drag from your hookah and hold the smoke in your throat. Make sure you don’t inhale it into your lungs.
  3. Form an ‘O’ with your lips and position your tongue at the bottom of the mouth just the way we explained earlier. 
  4. Now, cough briefly, using light force to throw out a little smoke at one time. 

Release a slight amount of smoke before you start to cough. It seems to be very useful while practicing the trick. 

If You Are Struggling?

Mastering the art of doing controlled coughs is the secret to creating some amazingly smooth and graceful rings. However, if you are struggling to do so, make sure you are not pushing out too much smoke at once or using your lips to throw the smoke out. You need to keep the lips steady; otherwise, it will break the ‘O’ and you will end up blowing tiny puffs. Like any other activity, skill, or hobby, mastering hookah tricks demands some practice. Don’t worry, performing this repetitively will make you an expert at making awesome smoke rings.

Make sure you clean and maintain your hookah regularly to ensure a smooth and seamless smoking experience every time. If hookah tricks are not your thing, you can still have a great time and enjoy some amazing shishas. You can even enhance your smoking experience by upgrading your setup or getting a new one. Waste no time; start exploring the amazing hookah products that Khalil Maamoon has curated for you.